How We Treat
Your Health Roots are with you every step of the way as a positive encourager and also a critical friend (in the most positive, productive way!)
We encourage people to contact us informally if they are undecided on the best course of action and whether we can help them with their health query/condition.
Once an appointment is booked, we are committed to being a paper-free clinic as it fits with our environmental ethos but also, as an efficiency measure. You will receive a series of smart forms from us before your appointment to fill in. These range from; your details, consent, medical screening, outcome measures and all are aimed at maximising your care from the very moment you book an appointment with us. We feel it is inefficient to be filling forms in during your appointment time and this means we can spend more time on what matters – YOU!

Book appointment with an expert of your choice.
Receive an email confirmation of appointment and location directions, including parking.
Receive emailed smart forms. Click on the email to open and you will receive a text message with your security code to access each smart form.
Fill in the smart form and click save (no need to send back, this is done automatically).Receive text reminder of appointment 24 hours before the appointment.
Feel better.
Complete your care / achieve your goals.
Tell your friends and family so they can enjoy Your Health Roots’ expert, friendly and inspiring care.
Patient Journey FAQ's
We are based at Kingfisher Health Club in Houldsworth Mill.
Parking is available off Broadstone Road. As you turn off Broadstone Road you will notice there is private parking for the residents of Houldsworth Mill through the barriered entrance, customer parking for YHR clients is in the car park to the right. To get to the clinic you will then need to walk down the path towards the tall chimney and the club entrance is on your right and reception staff will direct you to the clinic on the first floor. (Note: there is also a overfill car park if the car park is full, you will need to go back out of the car park and turn left, first left, and another left into the car park, as it takes you all the way around the outside of the club. If you come to the bottom end of the car park that will bring you to the closest position of the club entrance).
Yes, we are aiming to be paper-free where possible at the clinic so send out smart forms before your appointment. You will receive a details/consent form and a medical history form.