Are you tired of being held captive by knee pain or stiffness?
The solution is here! Introducing our innovative 6-week Knee Mastery Course, designed to liberate individuals from the grip of discomfort and limited mobility and aimed at giving you increased skills and confidence to take into your everyday life.

Course Overview
Tailored for All Kinds of Knee Challenges
Whether you’re grappling with persistent knee pain, stiffness, or challenges like ascending stairs or getting in and out of chairs, this course is your breakthrough. Gain an understanding of knee osteoarthritis although a diagnosis is not a pre-requisite for the course – if you are struggling with long-term knee pain and stiffness then our comprehensive approach will help,
empowering you with the tools you need for lasting relief.
The 6 week course is comprehensive in it’s outlook and coverage. Prior to the course you will be asked to complete some evidence based knee health questionairres which give our team a good idea of your function, struggles and pain beliefs.
On arrival these will be discussed and their implications help us tailor your rehabilitation programme. We will also undertake some objective functional tests which will be monitored. All measurements and tests will be completed at the onset and finish to the course and at 3 and 6 month follow up.
An individually tailored rehabilitation programme will also be digitally available to you to access at the end of the course to continue your progress.
Enroll Today For Lasting Relief
Course Cost £100 Kingfisher Health Club Members £150 Non-members
Monday 25th Running For 6 Weeks And Thursday September 28th For 6 Weeks 6 Until – 7.15pm Both Evenings.
Deposit To Secure Your Place And Booking Via Online Booking At
Follow Online Booking And Select ‘group Bookings’ For Further Information Please Contact Or Call Your Healthroots On 0161-399-0151

Don’t Take Our Word For It Hear What Previous Course Participants Have To Say:
“It started me on a journey, identifying I can still do things without fear of further ‘injury’. Very encouraging”
“I have gained knowledge, encouragement and confidence to move more, I now have a
toolbox of skills to continue my journey - it has been invaluable. Highly recommended”
“I have changed my mindset in relation to exercise and my knee and have skills and confidence to manage and continue to progress in future”
“I am delighted to return to running which I had been told not to do due to ‘wear and tear’ – completely different beliefs and experience now and I am deloighted”
“I would certainly recommend this course and would love friends whom I know have knee pain to have the benefit of Matt’s input”
Enroll Today For Lasting Relief
Say Farewell To The Rollercoaster Of Temporary Fixes And Embrace A Life Of Self – Management And Empowerment . Enroll In Our 6 – Week Knee Mastery Course Now And Take The First Step To Wards A Future Where You Dictate Your Mobility, Not Pain Or Stiffness. Places Limited To 4 Participantsper Course So Hurry And Book Your Spot Now.
Monday 25th Running For 6 Weeks And Thursday September 28th For 6 Weeks 6 Until 7.15 Pm Both Evenings.
Deposit To Secure Your Place And Booking Via Online Booking At Follow Online Booking And Select ‘group Bookings’
For Further Information Please Contact Or Call Your Health Roots On 0161-399-0151.