Course Details
- Course dates: Wednesday 27th September-18th October
- Course time: 8.15pm-9.45pm
- Course location: Kingfisher Health Club
- Course investment: £40 Kinfgfisher members £60 non-members

A 4 week course to support the health of our kidneys and adrenals through nutrition and yoga.
The course employs kundalini kriyas (cleansing processes) alongside nutrition to support the function of your kidneys and adrenal glands.

Taking place over a 4 week time frame, you will get the experience of:
- Working with the kriya, (with optional coaching support between the weekly meetings for more accountability and consistency).
- Understanding the kidneys and adrenals and the role they play in the body, our health and our energy and emotions.
- Weekly organ and glandular support through nutrition.
On completion of the course you will have a set of yoga and nutrition tools to care for the health of your adrenals and kidneys should you ever need them in the future.
Places are limited so please get in touch to secure your place.